I am absolutely loving getting to know so many members of the blogging community.  It is wonderful to “spend time” (if even in cyberspace!) with so many excellent and inspiring writers.  I have received quite a few emails and comments with questions and thought it might be good to compile them on one page.

Why don’t you title your pieces?
Because I am terrible at titling!  I never feel I have picked the right one.  A good title often gives away the meaning of a poem too early, and a bad title can ruin it.  This blog project is just about writing without stressing too much over it – not having to title them helps with that!  I have also always been a numbers person, and I love tracking the project by number.  It feels like a timeline!

Do you know the pieces by their numbers?
I get this question a lot.  The truthful answer is not really.  If someone comments on a piece, I can usually tell which one they are referring to by what they say.  Normally I can easily remember the most recent 3 or 4 that are up, and I remember the more popular ones longer.   But if you pop in and say something about #88 or something, I usually have to go back and see which one it was.

Do you post everything you write?
No.  While I am usually willing to share anything and everything I experience through poetry, I don’t always have the right to share when other people are involved.  If I feel I am invading someone else’s privacy, I keep those to myself.

Do you write full-time?  If not, what do you do for a living?  
I write purely as a (too-often-neglected) hobby.  Instead, I design web-based courseware for the automotive industry.  I am also a piano teacher.

Can I “like” you on Facebook, or follow you on Twitter?
Nope!  I don’t have a fan page or a Twitter account – but thank you for asking! 

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